Shounak Ray

After hiking Upper Yosemite Falls


🇺🇸 Stanford, California

🇨🇦 Calgary, Alberta

Obsessed with mastering the unknown.

Hello! I’m Shounak, an undergrad @ Stanford with a passion for machine learning, autonomous agents, and demystifying what’s going on inside the human brain. I believe that these fields hold the key to unlocking a future filled with exciting possibilities.

Here, I aim to share my knowledge, insights, and experiences in these areas, as well as showcase my projects and achievements. Whether you’re an expert in these fields or just starting to explore them, I hope you’ll find something valuable here.

Feel free to wander and ponder, and drop me a line if you’re so inclined to opine! Thanks for stopping by!


Jun 8, 2024 🧏 Halfway through building a system that can autonomously translate American Sign Language (ASL) to emotive audio by studying facial expressions real-time. Breaks down communication barriers between folks hard-of-hearing and others. Check it out!
Apr 18, 2024 📄 Won Best First Build at the Stanford LLM x Law Hackathon by Stanford Law School. In a couple hours, my team and I built “DueDiligent AI” that accepts a corpus of documents and identifies contractual risk in M&A contracts and supplementary documents using LLMs. Learn more here, there, and yonder.
Feb 27, 2024 🚀 Joining a stealth-mode startup in the Legal x AI space! Excited to work with an empathetic team of industry veterans with a vision to revolutionize what legal means for companies and your everyday Joe, one step at a time.
Feb 22, 2024 🥽 Won Best Education Prize @ TreeHacks! My team and I built a VR story-world with LLM-powered characters that can speak with you in any language as you try to fulfill a mission objective! Someone posted about us too.
Apr 24, 2023 🏎️ Started a new position as a Researcher in the Stanford Intelligent Systems Laboratory (SISL) in the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department @ Stanford, led by Prof. Mykel Kochenderfer!
Jan 9, 2023 🦎 Starting working on Chameleon-RL: A reinforcement learning agent that is able to detect and adapt to new environments during online, finite-horizon planning. See more in the Projects tab!

selected publications

  1. parkinsons.jpeg
    Shounak Ray
    The Canadian Science Fair Journal, 2019

selected projects